Management Board

The management of Bhutan Internet Exchange is carried out by an elected Board of Directors. The Board Directors are elected as per the procedures established under Schedule 2 of the Articles of Associations of Bhutan Internet Exchange.

The current Board Directors and office bearers are:
Mr. Budhi Krishna Adhikari
Bhutan Telecom
Mr. Ugyen Tashi
Mr. Tshering Norbu
Board Member
Mr. Sonam Namgyel
Board Member
Mr. Karma Jamyang
Board Member
Mr. Sonam Kesang
Ms. Damchen Zangmo
Board Member

The Board Members meet as and when required to discuss and resolve issues. The resolutions of such meetings are minuted and are publicly available for information to all members.

Besides the Board, a Technical Working Group (TWG) is also established to foster best practices, faster tracking and resolution of any technical issues, and for support to members who may require assistance.

Year 2024

btIX would like to express heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Jichen Thinley for his dedicated service as a chairperson at btIX.

“Your expertise, leadership, and commitment have been invaluable to our success. Your strategic vision and collaborative spirit have significantly influenced our growth, and the initiatives you led have left a lasting impact. While we will miss your presence on the board, your contributions will continue to guide us. Thank you once again for your outstanding service. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope to stay in touch.”

As of year 2022, we have two new office bearers. Both Ms. Sherab Lhamo and Mr. Nidup Gyeltshen has stepped down from btIX board member and are being replaced by Sonam Kesang from DrukComm and Damchen Zangmo from GovNet.
btIX board would like to express our sincere gratitude for their support during their tenure at btIX and would like to welcome Sonam Kesang & Damchen Zangmo on board.

Message from the btIX Chair to the ex board members of the IX: Mr. Ganga R Sharma, Mr. Karma Sangay & Mr. Sonam Phuntsho.

“I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your service. Board service is the toughest volunteer role, and you took on your Board duties with dedication, grace, and seriousness. I am most grateful for your active leadership and the contributions made for the Internet Exchange. A famous peace activist once said, “Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.” You are both wise and virtuous, and I am grateful you shared those qualities with the IX as a board member. I will certainly miss working with you as a board member, but I look forward to staying in touch with each other for years to come.”